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Writer's pictureAmanda Florczykowski

The Radicals

What would you do tomorrow with unlimited funds & resources, unlimited potential, fearlessness, and unbridled faith?

In other words, if nothing held you back, how would tomorrow look differently for you? Even imagining this question as a reality is euphoric. Would you finally take that trip overseas? Have another baby? Make that phone call to the estranged? Risk? Try? Fail forward?  

To fathom a life this full, this limitless, yet worry-free, seems surreal. But, Christian, it is very much a reality. This is the life available to us every day in Jesus.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LORD.

Can you even stand it?! Nothing holds us back - nothing separates us.

1. Christ’s love allows us to conquer what holds us back from doing what He has created us for.

Have you ever met someone who lives believing this verse? I have. And at first glance, we might term them “radicals.” And you know, “radical” may be the best word to use, but ultimately, it’s the life a Christian has available to them.

Maybe you think tomorrow would look quite differently if you really digested what Paul said and made it your own. Maybe not. But, I ask, what would go through our minds as we turned off the alarm and put our feet on the floor knowing you and I were awakening to the love of a God that has given us no limitations for what He has assigned us to? People who understand His love and their preparation in light of it look like this:

  • David slayed a giant.

  • Moses stood before the greatest leader of the time, Pharaoh, and demanded the release of his people - God’s people.

  • Joseph was second in command and saved God’s people, the twelve tribes, from famine.

  • Daniel was an advisor who later became ruler.

As Christians, can we really comprehend what is available to us? Can we possibly fathom a Savior like Jesus? Knowing He alone provides our ability to conquer means nothing holds us back. Death, fear, worry, or spiritual attacks held none of these radicals back from their victories. But, they didn’t see the end of the story when they were living it. They simply functioned in the radical mindset of the Truth on the other side of this same coin.

2. When life feels like it’s conquering us, we could never be separated from the love that brought us to that risky place to begin with.

The road for these three, brave examples was paved with this Truth.

  • David chose five stones, not just one. He didn’t know how Goliath’s defeat would look, so he prepared. All the while, fully reliant on a God He knew would fight for Him. He chose fearlessness, and nothing held him back.

  • The faith it must have taken for a mother to place her precious son in a basket in a raging river to save his life is immeasurable. Even in her anxious place, she chose unbridled faith, and nothing separated this faithful woman from God’s love.

  • Joseph first was shunned, abandoned, persecuted, and jailed; and yet, God conquered all of that on Joseph’s behalf, because He had an assignment. Joseph had unlimited resources from an unlimited God, and nothing held him back.

  • An accused Daniel watched all night as hungry lions paced in front of him, and while in death, Daniel would not have been separated from God’s love. He wasn’t in life either.

We serve the most powerful, limitless, omnipotent, sovereign God who has created us with our individual purpose. So, let me no longer ask the question but give a charge. Tomorrow will look differently for you, because you serve a God with unlimited funds and resources, who created you with unlimited potential, who casts out fear, and who sustains your unbridled faith.  

Nothing in all of creation can stop you from fulfilling the life He has called you to live. Live radical, Christian. Nothing holds us back. God’s love is not withheld.

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