Hey Everyone,
Today, July 3oth, is World Day Against Trafficking. My “what will I do to aid the fight” commitment was to post useful info for parents every hour on social all day. At almost 37 weeks pregnant, this was what I could offer.
At the very least, it proved to be thought-provoking as I got asked the most unexpected yet sincere question. It came from my friend Mike.
Mike and I met on an airplane and had one of the most refreshing conversations about faith I had had in a long time. Maybe because his curiosity and honesty were both equally evident. He came from a place of really wanting to know and I had nothing to prove. After listening to my responses, Mike, very considerately asked how he could become a Believer like me. And, pre-Covid, squished together in an airline row, Mike made Jesus his Savior. But, like anyone learning, there are more questions and growth that happens along the way. Today, my friend Mike asked something to the effect of, “So, do you have to be a Christian to fight trafficking or can anybody? - just curious.” It wasn’t an odd question in the context of what I tout and truly believe.
I believe that you and I are raising the next generation—and our role is crucial in protecting our children and molding their future. So, please consider what I proclaim:
The elimination of any atrocity, including the demand for child sex, must first begin with pointing people back to the truth we have as Believers.
Consider for a moment how unsuccessful the other solutions have been. If there was a solution other than Jesus Christ, this epidemic would not be growing at such a rapid rate. Think about this with me. When we don’t consider the real, spiritual root of sex trafficking, we focus on symptoms that are unrelated to spiritual matters. We are forced to then present solutions that address these symptoms apart from the real, spiritual issue. When one organization founder said, “Amanda, what I have seen happen to an infant could not be committed without the influence of Satan himself,” it was like a spiritual lightbulb illuminated my soul. Child sex trafficking is a dark battle that requires the weapons only suited for a spiritual fight. Here is how you and I fight.
Despite their differing backgrounds, nearly every expert on sex trafficking would agree that the demand for trafficking is truly this epidemic’s driving force—yes, the demand. The fact that people would voraciously seek out sexual gratification from young, innocent, defenseless children or offer it to others and keep this multibillion-dollar business churning is being deemed the real problem. Demand starts with desire. In other words, child sex trafficking will never stop without first stopping people’s voracious craving for it—their internal demand.
How do we stop the reckless appetite of a spiritually depraved individual influenced by the evil of Satan himself? You and I don’t. Religion doesn’t. Church doesn’t. Laws do not. Only God has the authority to bring about the internal change of a human soul.
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. -Ezekiel 36:26-27 NIV
So, you and I offer the change—we offer blood and words.
“They triumphed over him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. – Revelation 12:11
This evil, this internal demand, is only overcome when a person chooses to surrender their own life to the true, lasting, supernatural, and internal change that is only found in Christ Jesus; Ezekiel 36:26-27. And we are the conduit of this truth, says Revelation 12:11. Offering blood and words means we are intentional and unafraid to share the truth of what Jesus did on the cross when His blood spilled for us. We must declare how the gospel message has forever changed us personally. His blood, our words. As Christians who have experienced the truth of the gospel, we carry the radical ability to use words to set people free. And only free people free people.
That’s a lot to swallow, isn’t it? And, Mike’s question is valid. Can God use anyone to fight this battle? Yes. Of course. They can aid, help, give, speak up, speak out, convict, contact, and a host of other acts that help those victims who can't help themselves. But, if you want truly free a victim, you have to free victimizers. You have to stop the demand.
Do we as Believers have the only true solution for the internal change necessary to truly heal that desire? Absolutely.
I have looked into the eyes of a rapist, trafficker, and convict. It’s an evil you can’t quite put into words. What can you offer that evil if sitting across the table from it? Nothing. Nothing pacifies that evil. It can only be overcome. And, we have the only solution to overcome it.
All the best,
#UnraveledBook Quote:
“The elimination of any atrocity, including the demand for child sex, must first begin with pointing people back to the truth we have as Believers.”
"Unraveled is an indispensable resource for every intentional mom I have met while serving in this industry.
Amanda not only brings awareness to child sex trafficking, and in an approachable,
peer-to-peer manner, but she preemptively addresses the concern every mom has for her child's safety
and points them back to the truth necessary to combat evil. Five stars!"
-Radd Berrett
O.U.R. Jump Team Member
“This is an incredibly important book for all moms to read. Amanda has done a beautiful job of helping us ponder questions in our own hearts, while also giving us an honest look of her own family’s experiences. Her story helps to equip us so that we can better protect our children in this fallen world. You will be riveted.”
-Abby Johnson
CEO of And Then There Were None and inspiration for the major motion picture, Unplanned
“The crimes I have seen against children makes Unraveled a necessity for today and
Florczykowski’s bold voice draws parents to both truth and triumph.”
-FBI Child Exploitation Task Force Officer
Have you ordered your copy? Click the picture below.
Today, July 30th, is WORLD DAY AGAINST TRAFFICKING. All day, on FB and Instagram, we have put out quick tidbits that keep parents informed and kids safe. (Check it out at Amanda_Florczykowski on IG or Amanda Florczykowski #Unraveledbook on FB.) You are most vulnerable when uninformed. Undoubtedly, vulnerability is what child sex-traffickers, predators, and victimizers are looking for. Created
as the first-ever online anti-child trafficking training for you and your children, Vigilant Families is outsmarting traffickers by empowering families. Every course was created for parents and their children by an educator and covers endless topics in short and memorable lessons taught by leading experts. Vigilant Families are invulnerable families. Investing in your child’s safety will be worth it. Pre-order is available NOW.
Do you know of a church that needs a turn-key mom’s ministry? Offering everything a church needs, Able Moms equips mothers to be capABLE in parenting + unshakeABLE in her faith + memorABLE to her children. Meeting as relational, local communities twice per month and having access to solid online resources, activities, and videos, Able Moms has everything you need to mother well in the time you have them ages 0-6th grade. Email to receive an informational letter designed to forward to your pastor as well as a pastor testimonial video. We have made it so easy!
Upcoming Podcasts & Speaking Engagements:
If you missed the Heart of Purpose with Desiree Siegfried, it’s now available!
If you missed the Pain to Purpose Summit, a panel of 30 women sharing their incredible stories of God using the hard stuff in unimaginable ways, including mine, you can access it here.
You can listen to our interview about criticism in leadership on The Christian Woman Leadership Podcast with Esther Littlefield next Tuesday, the 31
We recorded Pastors Wives Tell All today. What a blast! Def check out their podcast.